Developmental Economics Projects
Since 2019, Tim has been staffed on multilateral development projects with Synergy International Systems . These projects have been funded through USAID, IDB, UNDP, and The World Bank. The project list is below and the “Economist” section provides more details and links for each project.
Tim in The Bahamas with the Ministry of Social Services and Urban Development Team as part of Project #5 listed below.
#1 — USAID / Armenia — Renewable Energy and Trade — Market Liberalization and Electricity Trade (MLET)
#2 — USAID / Armenia — Renewable Energy and Trade — Management and Support for the Settlement Center CJSC
Tim’s work on projects #1 and #2 resulted in his ongoing doctoral research with the University of Oxford.
#3 — IDB / Barbados — Social Protection — Strengthening Human and Social Development in Barbados Program
#4 — USAID / Liberia — Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) — Performance Indicator Database System (PIDS) Activity
#5 — World Bank / Bahamas — Social Protection — Management and Support of National Social Protection Information System (ProMIS)
#6 — UNDP / Moldova— Rule of Law / Justice Sector — Strengthening Efficiency and Access to Justice in Moldova
#7 — USAID / Afghanistan — Public Financial Management — Strong Hubs for Afghan Hope and Resilience (SHAHAR)
#8 — USAID / Liberia — Strategic Consulting/Software Development — Liberia Strategic Analysis (LSA)
Tim in Barbados with the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of People Empowerment and Elder Affairs as part of Project #3 listed above.
Asha For Education
From 2016-2019 Tim helped lead Asha For Education at Stanford University. One of the efforts Tim worked on was a funding expansion of the Shanti Bhavan School in Bangalore, India.
In 2017, Netflix made a documentary about The Shanti Bhavan School called “Daughters of Destiny”. Tim hosted a premiere event in Washington DC.
Tim served as the Project Leader for the Shanti Bhavan School in charge of managing Asha’s role in school infrastructure expansion. He helped lead Asha’s education efforts throughout India through supporting the grants portfolio. The Bay Area branch of Asha had a focus on gender equality in schools throughout the country and sought to fund programs working to improve female education attainment.